海産白点病は魚類寄生性繊毛虫 Cryptocaryon irritansによる寄生虫病です。この病気は温水性魚類の養殖場で発生し、養殖魚の大量死を引き起こすことがありますが、著効を示す防除法はありません。当研究室では海産白点病に対する新たな防除法の構築につなげるため、本虫の寄生・摂餌メカニズムの解明、養殖場における白点病発生メカニズムの解明、ワクチン開発、薬剤探索、ゲノム解析などの研究を行っています。

- Kotake M, Watanabe Y, Itoh N, Yoshinaga T. (2024) Effect of light exposure on circadian rhythm in theront excystment in Cryptocaryon irritans. Parasitology International. 98, 102812.
- Watanabe Y, Hansen J, Kotake M, Fujii R, Matsuoka H, Yoshinaga T. (2023) Effect of Biokos, a natural lipopeptide surfactant extracted from a bacterium of the Pseudomonas genus, on infection of Cryptocaryon irritans. Journal of Fish Diseases, 46(11), 1311-1319.
- Watanabe Y, Takada Y, Kotake M, Itoh N, Yoshinaga T. (2021) Evaluation of the protective effects of DNA vaccines encoding an infection-related cysteine protease from Cryptocaryon irritans, the pathogenic organism of cryptocaryoniasis, Aquaculture, 548 Part 2, 737641.
- Watanabe Y, Zenke K, Itoh N, Yoshinaga T. (2021) Functional analysis of the proteases overexpressed during the invasive and parasitic stages of Cryptocaryon irritans and their potential as vaccine antigens, Aquaculture, 540, 736657.
- Watanabe Y, How K, Zenke K, Itoh N, Yoshinaga T. (2020) Stable and quantitative small-scale laboratory propagation of Cryptocaryon irritans, MethodsX, 7, 101000.
- Watanabe Y, How K, Zenke K, Itoh N, Yoshinaga T. (2020) Control of the daily rhythms by photoperiods in protomont detachment and theront excystment of the parasitic ciliate Cryptocaryon irritans, Fish Pathology, 55(2), 38–41.
- Watanabe Y, How K. H, Zenke K, Itoh N, Yoshinaga T. (2019) Characterization of the proteases in the parasitic stage of Cryptocaryon irritans, and in vitro and in vivo effects of protease inhibitors on cryptocaryoniasis. Aquaculture, 51, 734311
- Watanabe Y, How K. H, Zenke K, Itoh N, Yoshinaga T. (2018) Dormancy induced by a hypoxic environment in tomonts of Cryptocaryon irritans, a parasitic ciliate of marine teleosts. Aquaculture, 485, 131-139.